For even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve...

Mark 10:45


The First Impressions Team is all about serving our guests. From greeting them in the parking lot to helping them find a seat, or fixing them a cup of coffee, this team helps them feel welcome from start to finish. 
If you like the tech side of things, then this is for you! Our Production Team creates the Sunday morning environment through audio, video, and lighting for in-person services and church online. 
The Worship Team uses their musical gifts to create an atmosphere of worship, preparing the way for our guests to encounter the presence of God. 
Partner with parents to lead kids to become fully devoted followers of Christ. Help kids birth-5th grade learn about who God is and who they are. 
As a leader of Foundation Youth, you will be leading middle and high school students to learn to love God and live the life the He has for them. 
Serve behind the scenes to help people connect with God using anything from social media to graphic and website design. 


What is serve day?

This is the time we set aside to go out into the community to show the love of Jesus to people, with no strings attached.  We want to be the church!

We typically schedule serve days on Saturday mornings and meet at the church for a time of prayer, devotion, and instructions before we head out in groups.

Our next serve day is: Stay tuned for the next serve day!

For information about our next serve day and to sign up, click the button below!

Questions about serving?

We love to clarify volunteering requirements. Please reach out if you have questions.